City of Wasilla, AK
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Wasilla City Council 1998 Minutes
January February
-Jan 12, 1998 -Feb 09, 1998
-Jan 26, 1998 (Work Session/Reg) -Feb 23, 1998 (Work Session/Reg)
March April
-Mar 09, 1998 -Apr 13, 1998 (Work Session/Reg)
-Mar 23, 1998 -Apr 20, 1998 (Special)
-Apr 27, 1998 (Work Session/Reg)
May June
-May 11, 1998 -Jun 08, 1998
-May 18, 1998 (Special) -Jun 22, 1998
-May 27, 1998
July August
-July 13, 1998 -Aug 10, 1998 (Work Session/Reg)
-July 26, 1998 -Aug 24, 1998
-Aug 27, 1998 (Special)
September October
-Sep 14, 1998 -Oct 12, 1998
-Sep 28, 1998 -Oct 26, 1998
November December
-Nov 12, 1998 (Special) -Dec 07, 1998 (Special)
-Nov 23, 1998 -Dec 14, 1998
If you notice any errors or experience any difficulties please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 907.373.9090 or send us an email.